Iliya Cherkinski & Partners

/Law Office Notary Public/

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Practical Experience

Юриспруденция Законы

The Law Office "Ilya Cherkinsky and Partners" was founded in 1992 in Jerusalem.


The basis of the high quality work of our lawyers is their professionalism and experience.


Among the Israeli lawyers of the office:


Former Head of the Execution Office in Jerusalem; Deputy Chief of the Department of Violations of the Charter of the Military Service; Deputy Chairman of the Settlement Board; Member of the commission of the Jerusalem branch of the college of lawyers in charge of the police and the courts; Inspector of the Israeli Ministry of Justice for Notaries Affairs, etc.


Also, among the lawyers of the office are: legal adviser to the largest Moscow state trading company; lawyer of the Moscow Regional Bar Association; Lawyers the Attorneys Law Offices of New York, Illinois, and others.


Auditors, tax and customs law advisers, accountants, real estate appraisers, translators, with whom Law Office "Ilya Cherkinsky and Partners" works and who are specialists with many years of experience, the highest qualifications and professionalism.


Permanent foreign partners:

Russian Federation

Moscow city and regional Bar associations; Inter-Republican Bar Association; Law Office "Version"; Law Office "Alexander Dobrovinsky and Partners"; Specialized consultation "YUST"; "Law Office of Moses, Halimon and Partners" and others.


"Kishinevsky Law Office" in Toronto;

Czech Republic

Law Office "Hasek, Death and Partners" in Prague;


Law Office "Alexander Ivanov and Partners" in Sofia;


Law Office "E. Budvaizio, J. Civilis and partners” in Vilnius;


Law Office "Gordon, Steinlauf" in Chicago, Illinois; Law Office "Tenzer and Berman" in New York.

* * *

 Record on reception вверх

Main | Practical experience | The foreign partners | Record on reception |
The analyst | News of the Israeli legislation | The Israeli state sites | Our partners

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